References 5

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Anand, B., Verma, S., & Prakash, B. (2006). Structural stabilization of GTP-binding domains in circularly permuted GTPases: Implications for RNA binding. Nucleic Acids Research. 34, 2196-2205.

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Matsuo, Y., Morimoto, T., Kuwano, M., Chin Loh, P., Oshima, T., & Ogasawara, N. (2006). The GTP-binding Protein YlqF Participates in the Late Step of 50S Ribosomal Subunit Assembly in Bacillus subtilis. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 281. 12. 8110-8117.

Leipe, D., Wolf, Y., Koonin, E. & Aravind, L. (2002). Classification and Evolution of P-loop GTPases and Related ATPases. Journal of Molecular Biology. 317. 41-72.