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=ProFunc Results=
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut eu neque felis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam semper consectetur purus elementum volutpat. Aenean sed felis tempor felis pretium aliquet. Vivamus sed venenatis felis. Morbi tempor dui enim, vel semper odio. Phasellus erat eros, cursus vitae volutpat ac, interdum a lectus. Mauris eget leo erat. Nullam quis fermentum ligula. Sed tristique laoreet enim sed porttitor.
Nam eu tortor magna, rhoncus consectetur lectus. Curabitur accumsan accumsan interdum. Phasellus dapibus posuere dui in tempus. Fusce id augue in purus scelerisque commodo eget nec neque. Curabitur faucibus consectetur tortor, ac tempus sapien lobortis ut. Ut congue felis at arcu sollicitudin a lobortis nunc pharetra. Maecenas erat odio, auctor et rhoncus sed, sagittis id ligula. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum at eros ac eros scelerisque egestas. Ut faucibus pretium dapibus. Nunc elementum tellus nec dui fermentum vel bibendum metus semper. Suspendisse semper scelerisque hendrerit. Ut dignissim fermentum neque, a bibendum velit venenatis non. Sed porttitor nisi in tellus pulvinar in tempor tortor pretium. Suspendisse hendrerit aliquet justo, nec semper arcu pellentesque in. Nullam vel tincidunt ligula. Morbi id tortor lectus, quis elementum felis. Sed accumsan vehicula urna et condimentum. Sed dignissim facilisis justo, in vestibulum diam dictum quis.
Curabitur pharetra leo ac nulla gravida non pretium enim laoreet. Cras in congue diam. Vivamus venenatis tincidunt orci ac fermentum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Proin quis mi at lacus vestibulum laoreet. Sed consequat diam in leo tincidunt ac lacinia nunc cursus. Nam vulputate lacus non sapien imperdiet feugiat. Aenean id vehicula mauris. Mauris vestibulum commodo lectus vel pulvinar. Nunc sed nunc vitae dolor sollicitudin dapibus quis a magna. Nulla elementum adipiscing lectus sed interdum. Donec vehicula, dui et mollis condimentum, lorem tortor rutrum libero, ut bibendum diam justo eu libero.
Nullam fringilla vestibulum metus, vel venenatis nisi lobortis sit amet. Suspendisse facilisis diam nec massa consequat quis ultrices arcu blandit. Duis tincidunt feugiat elit, eu vulputate mauris interdum id. Praesent in nunc at sapien varius viverra nec ac felis. Proin ac arcu lectus. Quisque in elit orci. In metus metus, tincidunt sed vestibulum ac, commodo eget massa. Ut congue magna ac dui commodo in volutpat dolor aliquet. Maecenas ante neque, pharetra a fermentum vel, sodales id nisl. Quisque fringilla posuere eros at aliquam. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Integer metus nisl, vehicula aliquet imperdiet eget, venenatis id leo. Quisque consectetur imperdiet tellus at suscipit. Vestibulum vitae magna eu sapien facilisis posuere. Ut non enim vel mauris porta bibendum. Curabitur viverra neque a felis semper vitae pulvinar tellus varius. Donec vel nulla dignissim nunc dictum sodales ac nec purus. Nunc id odio et ligula cursus feugiat. Duis molestie molestie elit sit amet egestas.
Sed dapibus felis sit amet felis consequat malesuada. Mauris mattis, risus sed vehicula tincidunt, dui libero porttitor turpis, nec malesuada ligula nunc quis velit. Nunc tristique nunc nec lacus aliquam ac pharetra risus malesuada. Quisque rutrum tincidunt libero id mattis. Vestibulum sodales tempor suscipit. Proin lacinia tincidunt tellus eu varius. Vivamus consequat, nulla sit amet varius blandit, nisl arcu tincidunt est, non tincidunt diam tortor quis velit. Sed sit amet nulla turpis. Proin urna enim, congue sit amet malesuada eu, faucibus sit amet dolor. Nam elementum, neque nec scelerisque mattis, nunc arcu consequat eros, id dapibus libero purus vitae ipsum.


Revision as of 09:21, 26 May 2009

Articles about Human Ssu72

Ssu72 Is an RNA polymerase II CTD phosphatase.

Krishnamurthy S, He X, Reyes-Reyes M, Moore C, Hampsey M. Department of Biochemistry, Division of Nucleic Acids Enzymology, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Piscataway, NJ 08854, USA.

Phosphorylation of serine-2 (S2) and serine-5 (S5) of the C-terminal domain (CTD) of RNA polymerase II (RNAP II) is a dynamic process that regulates the transcription cycle and coordinates recruitment of RNA processing factors. The Fcp1 CTD phosphatase catalyzes dephosphorylation of S2-P. Here, we report that Ssu72, a component of the yeast cleavage/polyadenylation factor (CPF) complex, is a CTD phosphatase with specificity for S5-P. Ssu72 catalyzes CTD S5-P dephosphorylation in association with the Pta1 component of the CPF complex, although its essential role in 3' end processing is independent of catalytic activity. Depletion of Ssu72 impairs transcription in vitro, and this defect can be rescued by recombinant, catalytically active Ssu72. We propose that Ssu72 has a dual role in transcription, one as a CTD S5-P phosphatase that regenerates the initiation-competent, hypophosphorylated form of RNAP II and the other as a factor necessary for cleavage of pre-mRNA and efficient transcription termination.

Conserved and specific functions of mammalian ssu72.

St-Pierre B, Liu X, Kha LC, Zhu X, Ryan O, Jiang Z, Zacksenhaus E. Division of Cell and Molecular Biology, Toronto General Research Institute, University Health Network 67 College Street, Room 407, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5G 2m1.

We describe the cloning and characterization of a human homolog of the yeast transcription/RNA-processing factor Ssu72, following a yeast two-hybrid screen for pRb-binding factors in the prostate gland. Interaction between hSsu72 and pRb was observed in transfected mammalian cells and involved multiple domains in pRb; however, so far, mutual effects of these two factors could not be demonstrated. Like the yeast counterpart, mammalian Ssu72 associates with TFIIB and the yeast cleavage/polyadenylation factor Pta1, and exhibits intrinsic phosphatase activity. Mammals contain a single ssu72 gene and a few pseudogenes. During mouse embryogenesis, ssu72 was highly expressed in the nervous system and intestine; high expression in the nervous system persisted in adult mice and was also readily observed in multiple human tumor cell lines. Both endogenous and ectopically expressed mammalian Ssu72 proteins resided primarily in the cytoplasm and only partly in the nucleus. Interestingly, fusion to a strong nuclear localization signal conferred nuclear localization only in a fraction of transfected cells, suggesting active tethering in the cytoplasm. Suppression of ssu72 expression in mammalian cells by siRNA did not reduce proliferation/survival, and its over-expression did not affect transcription of candidate genes in transient reporter assays. Despite high conservation, hssu72 was unable to rescue an ssu72 lethal mutation in yeast. Together, our results highlight conserved and mammalian specific characteristics of mammalian ssu72.

Role for the Ssu72 C-terminal domain phosphatase in RNA polymerase II transcription elongation.

Reyes-Reyes M, Hampsey M. Department of Biochemistry, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, 683 Hoes Lane West, Piscataway, NJ 08854, USA.

The RNA polymerase II (RNAP II) transcription cycle is accompanied by changes in the phosphorylation status of the C-terminal domain (CTD), a reiterated heptapeptide sequence (Y(1)S(2)P(3)T(4)S(5)P(6)S(7)) present at the C terminus of the largest RNAP II subunit. One of the enzymes involved in this process is Ssu72, a CTD phosphatase with specificity for serine-5-P. Here we report that the ssu72-2-encoded Ssu72-R129A protein is catalytically impaired in vitro and that the ssu72-2 mutant accumulates the serine-5-P form of RNAP II in vivo. An in vitro transcription system derived from the ssu72-2 mutant exhibits impaired elongation efficiency. Mutations in RPB1 and RPB2, the genes encoding the two largest subunits of RNAP II, were identified as suppressors of ssu72-2. The rpb1-1001 suppressor encodes an R1281A replacement, whereas rpb2-1001 encodes an R983G replacement. This information led us to identify the previously defined rpb2-4 and rpb2-10 alleles, which encode catalytically slow forms of RNAP II, as additional suppressors of ssu72-2. Furthermore, deletion of SPT4, which encodes a subunit of the Spt4-Spt5 early elongation complex, also suppresses ssu72-2, whereas the spt5-242 allele is suppressed by rpb2-1001. These results define Ssu72 as a transcription elongation factor. We propose a model in which Ssu72 catalyzes serine-5-P dephosphorylation subsequent to addition of the 7-methylguanosine cap on pre-mRNA in a manner that facilitates the RNAP II transition into the elongation stage of the transcription cycle.

Functional interactions between the transcription and mRNA 3' end processing machineries mediated by Ssu72 and Sub1.

He X, Khan AU, Cheng H, Pappas DL Jr, Hampsey M, Moore CL. Department of Molecular Biology and Microbiology, Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts 02111, USA.

Transcription and processing of pre-mRNA are coupled events. By using a combination of biochemical, molecular, and genetic methods, we have found that the phylogenetically conserved transcription factor Ssu72 is a component of the cleavage/polyadenylation factor (CPF) of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Our results demonstrate that Ssu72 is required for 3' end cleavage of pre-mRNA but is dispensable for poly(A) addition and RNAP II termination. The in vitro cleavage defect caused by depletion of Ssu72 from cells can be rescued by addition of recombinant Ssu72. Ssu72 interacts physically and genetically with the Pta1 subunit of CPF. Overexpression of PTA1 causes synthetic lethality in an ssu72-3 mutant. Moreover, Sub1, which has been implicated in transcription initiation and termination, also interacts with Pta1, and overexpression of SUB1 suppresses the growth and processing defect of a pta1 mutation. Physical interactions of Ssu72 and Sub1 with Pta1 are mutually exclusive. Based on the interactions of Ssu72 and Sub1 with both the Pta1 of CPF and the TFIIB component of the initiation complex, we present a model describing how these novel connections between the transcription and 3' end processing machineries might facilitate transitions in the RNAP II transcription cycle.

Mutational analysis of yeast TFIIB. A functional relationship between Ssu72 and Sub1/Tsp1 defined by allele-specific interactions with TFIIB.

Wu WH, Pinto I, Chen BS, Hampsey M. Department of Biochemistry, Louisiana State University Medical Center, Shreveport, Louisiana 71130, USA.

TFIIB is an essential component of the RNA polymerase II core transcriptional machinery. Previous studies have defined TFIIB domains required for interaction with other transcription factors and for basal transcription in vitro. In the study reported here we investigated the TFIIB structural requirements for transcription initiation in vivo. A library of sua7 mutations encoding altered forms of yeast TFIIB was generated by error-prone polymerase chain reaction and screened for conditional growth defects. Twenty-two single amino acid replacements in TFIIB were defined and characterized. These replacements are distributed throughout the protein and occur primarily at phylogenetically conserved positions. Most replacements have little or no effect on the steady-state protein levels, implying that each affects TFIIB function rather than synthesis or stability. In contrast to the initial sua7 mutants, all replacements, with one exception, have no effect on start site selection, indicating that specific TFIIB structural defects affect transcriptional accuracy. This collection of sua7 alleles, including the initial sua7 alleles, was used to investigate the allele specificity of interactions between ssu72 and sub1, both of which were initially identified as either suppressors (SUB1 2mu) or enhancers (sub1Delta, ssu72-1) of sua7 mutations. We show that the interactions of ssu72-1 and sub1Delta with sua7 are allele specific; that the allele specificities of ssu72 and sub1 overlap; and that each of the sua7 alleles that interacts with ssu72 and sub1 affects the accuracy of transcription start site selection. These results demonstrate functional interactions among TFIIB, Ssu72, and Sub1 and suggest that these interactions play a role in the mechanism of start site selection by RNA polymerase II.


The Ssu72 RNA polymerase II CTD phosphatase homolog is a protein from Drosophila Melanogaster that shares a high level of sequence similarity with the human Ssu72 protein - the function of which has been characterised to some degree in the literature and a number of putative homologs identified across a broad range of species. While there are fewer than 10 papers in PubMed that reference the human protein, it is useful to examine some of that information to provide a context for a discussion of the speculative function of this drosophila protein; particularly given that the human Ssu72 shares 60.21% sequence identity with it and that there are no gaps in the alignment produced after running a BLAST (See figure 1). This suggests that, on the face of it, there may be at least a broad similarity in function that can be inferred from the human protein by virtue of Ssu72's conservation across evolution.

ProFunc Results

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut eu neque felis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam semper consectetur purus elementum volutpat. Aenean sed felis tempor felis pretium aliquet. Vivamus sed venenatis felis. Morbi tempor dui enim, vel semper odio. Phasellus erat eros, cursus vitae volutpat ac, interdum a lectus. Mauris eget leo erat. Nullam quis fermentum ligula. Sed tristique laoreet enim sed porttitor.

Nam eu tortor magna, rhoncus consectetur lectus. Curabitur accumsan accumsan interdum. Phasellus dapibus posuere dui in tempus. Fusce id augue in purus scelerisque commodo eget nec neque. Curabitur faucibus consectetur tortor, ac tempus sapien lobortis ut. Ut congue felis at arcu sollicitudin a lobortis nunc pharetra. Maecenas erat odio, auctor et rhoncus sed, sagittis id ligula. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum at eros ac eros scelerisque egestas. Ut faucibus pretium dapibus. Nunc elementum tellus nec dui fermentum vel bibendum metus semper. Suspendisse semper scelerisque hendrerit. Ut dignissim fermentum neque, a bibendum velit venenatis non. Sed porttitor nisi in tellus pulvinar in tempor tortor pretium. Suspendisse hendrerit aliquet justo, nec semper arcu pellentesque in. Nullam vel tincidunt ligula. Morbi id tortor lectus, quis elementum felis. Sed accumsan vehicula urna et condimentum. Sed dignissim facilisis justo, in vestibulum diam dictum quis.

Curabitur pharetra leo ac nulla gravida non pretium enim laoreet. Cras in congue diam. Vivamus venenatis tincidunt orci ac fermentum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Proin quis mi at lacus vestibulum laoreet. Sed consequat diam in leo tincidunt ac lacinia nunc cursus. Nam vulputate lacus non sapien imperdiet feugiat. Aenean id vehicula mauris. Mauris vestibulum commodo lectus vel pulvinar. Nunc sed nunc vitae dolor sollicitudin dapibus quis a magna. Nulla elementum adipiscing lectus sed interdum. Donec vehicula, dui et mollis condimentum, lorem tortor rutrum libero, ut bibendum diam justo eu libero.

Nullam fringilla vestibulum metus, vel venenatis nisi lobortis sit amet. Suspendisse facilisis diam nec massa consequat quis ultrices arcu blandit. Duis tincidunt feugiat elit, eu vulputate mauris interdum id. Praesent in nunc at sapien varius viverra nec ac felis. Proin ac arcu lectus. Quisque in elit orci. In metus metus, tincidunt sed vestibulum ac, commodo eget massa. Ut congue magna ac dui commodo in volutpat dolor aliquet. Maecenas ante neque, pharetra a fermentum vel, sodales id nisl. Quisque fringilla posuere eros at aliquam. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Integer metus nisl, vehicula aliquet imperdiet eget, venenatis id leo. Quisque consectetur imperdiet tellus at suscipit. Vestibulum vitae magna eu sapien facilisis posuere. Ut non enim vel mauris porta bibendum. Curabitur viverra neque a felis semper vitae pulvinar tellus varius. Donec vel nulla dignissim nunc dictum sodales ac nec purus. Nunc id odio et ligula cursus feugiat. Duis molestie molestie elit sit amet egestas.

Sed dapibus felis sit amet felis consequat malesuada. Mauris mattis, risus sed vehicula tincidunt, dui libero porttitor turpis, nec malesuada ligula nunc quis velit. Nunc tristique nunc nec lacus aliquam ac pharetra risus malesuada. Quisque rutrum tincidunt libero id mattis. Vestibulum sodales tempor suscipit. Proin lacinia tincidunt tellus eu varius. Vivamus consequat, nulla sit amet varius blandit, nisl arcu tincidunt est, non tincidunt diam tortor quis velit. Sed sit amet nulla turpis. Proin urna enim, congue sit amet malesuada eu, faucibus sit amet dolor. Nam elementum, neque nec scelerisque mattis, nunc arcu consequat eros, id dapibus libero purus vitae ipsum.



Human Ssu72 BLAST result.PNG Figure 1: BLAST result for human Ssu72.