Pyridoxal Phosphatase References

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Dietmann S, Park J, Notredame C, Heger A, Lappe M and Holm L.
A fully automatic evolutionary classification of protein folds: Dali Domain Dictionary version 3
Nucleic Acids Research. 29, 55-57 (2001)
Holm L and Sander C.
Dali/FSSP classification of three-dimensional protein folds
Nucleic Acids Research. 25, 231-234 (1997)
Pal D, Suhnel J and Weiss MS.
New Principles of Protein Structure: Nests, Eggs - and What Next?
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 41, 4663-4665 (2002)
Pal D, Suhnel J and Weiss MS.
Protein Structure Initiative
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 41, 4663-4665 (2002)