Cellular Context (location)
The expression profile of bifunctional CoA synthesis is consistent with its function. This expression profile is shown in Figure One.
Figure One: Expression profile for CoA Synthase. Reproduced from GNF SymAtlas (Genomics Institute of Novartis Research Foundation (2007, 5 16) GNF SymAtlas. Retrieved 7 6, 2007 from GNF SymAtlas: o http://symatlas.gnf.org/SymAtlas/symquery?q=71743)
CoA synthase is expressed in all tissues. This makes sense, because CoA is used in all tissues in the TCA cycle.
Levels of CoA synthase are very high in the liver. This is probably because more CoA is needed in the liver, as this is a major site of fatty acid synthesis and beta-oxidation.
The slightly high levels of CoA synthase in the adipose tissue probably reflect the fact that CoA is needed for fatty acid synthesis in adipose tissue.
Levels of CoA synthase are highest in the kidney. Pantothenic acid is a soluble vitamin and cannot be stored, but is excreted in the urine. I hypothesise that CoA synthase levels may be high in the kidney because much substrate (pantothenic acid) is available here.