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GO Code.Bayesian Score.Evidence Rank.Number of Clues.Description 
                        Molecular Function
0005525	    0.9815	     2.8	     6	     GTP binding
0000166	    0.0101	     2.9	     6	     nucleotide binding
0008168	    0.0068	     2.9	     6	     methyltransferase activity
0003924	    0.0016	     2.5	     6	     GTPase activity
                        Biological Process
0007264	    1.0000	     2.8	     6	     small GTPase mediated signal transduction

The ProKnow analysis shows that 1pujA's molecular function is GTP binding and its biological function is small GTPase mediated signal transduction.

Any series of molecular signals in which a small monomeric GTPase relays one or more of the signals.

The ProKnow analysis Though the bayseian score seems to indicate that