References 2ece

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1.Chen J, Anderson JB, DeWeese-Scott C, Fedorova ND, Geer LY, He S, Hurwitz DI, Jackson JD, Jacobs AR, Lanczycki CJ, Liebert CA, Liu C, Madej T, Marchler-Bauer A, Marchler GH, Mazumder R, Nikolskaya AN, Rao BS, Panchenko AR, Shoemaker BA, Simonyan V, Song JS, Thiessen PA, Vasudevan S, Wang Y, Yamashita RA, Yin JJ, Bryant SH, "MMDB: Entrez's 3D-structure database", Nucleic Acids Res. 2003 Jan; 31(1): 474-7.[1]


3.Bansal, M.P., Cook, R.G., Danielson, K.G. and Medina, D. (1989) A 14-KILODALTON SELENIUM-BINDING PROTEIN IN MOUSE-LIVER IS FATTY ACID-BINDING PROTEIN, Journal of Biological Chemistry, 264, 13780-13784

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5.Haratake, M., Fujimoto, K., Hirakawa, R., Ono, M. and Nakayama, M. (2008) Hemoglobin-mediated selenium export from red blood cells, Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry, 13, 471-479