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System Configuration (workstations, grape)

Alarm handling/Shutting down the rack

System Configuration (windows and Linux laptop)

System Configuration (CCMS Blackhole)

Grape queueing system

Add new user (LDAP)

To get a untaken UID for the new accont, use placed in '/opt/scripts'. Note that the UID may be already in use on grape.

To add a group of new users with similar uid, use script placed in '/opt/scripts/'. You will have to run it as root, and keep in mind the following things.

       This program helps to create multiple user accounts on the fly. 
       In order to use it, you have to provide some basic information 
       of the new accounts. The new accounts will be named as "BASE$N",
       in which "BASE" is the base name, and $N is the count. You have
       to specify the starting number of $N. Users' home directory
       will be /home/BASE/BASE$N, and bear in mind that this program
       does not create /home/BASE automatically. The program will invoke
       "" to set UIDs for the new accounts, However, you still 
       have to take care of the GID issue yourself. All new accounts
       will use "BASE" as their passwords.
       Modify the program yourself to make it better suit your need.
       Use CTRL+C to interrupt the program when typing something wrong.

Add new user (grape)

Create account in /etc/passwd

useradd -u NEWUID -g md NAME

Update NIS (for cluster authentication)

cd /var/yp/

How to build a Live CD

Get Gentoo Linux distribution, e.g. (e.g. miniCD)
Adding custom packages to Sysrescd, in summary: 
expand the sysrcd.dat in /mnt/custom
mount -o bind /proc /mnt/custom/proc
extract a recent gentoo portage in /mnt/custom/files/usr/portage
chroot /mnt/custom
install new packages using the gentoo commands (emerge yourpkg)
umount everything properly
clean /usr/portage
recreate sysrcd.dat with mksquashfs
recreate the iso image