Structure work done by Michael

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Unfortunately PDB databank down so very little work was able to be done.

Here is link to Dali file for structural allignment of Fascin 1:

From here comparative structure allignments were possible. All of which were very similar to fascin 1 providing more clues as to function of the protein.

Yellow region on right hand picture is conserved region from sequence multiple alignment. Figure on left is structure allignments (note pink ligands in first and purple ligands in second).

Putative conserved residues are: IAMHPQV (aa's 134-142) and LINRPIIVFRGEHGVIGCRK (aa's 380-400)

List of structures is: mol1A/1dfcA/1jlyA/1ijtA/1qxmB/1ev2A/1bfgA/1axmA/4fgfA/

Comparison stuff (note ligands).jpeg cropped print screen of proteins. Pink is: 4fgfA

Comparison stuff 2.jpeg cropped print screen of proteins. Purple is: 1qxmB