Pyridoxal Phosphatase structure
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General structure of Pyridoxal Phosphatase

Courtesy (and edited) of Almo et al., 2007. This structure is actually that of 2cftA - Human Pyridoxal 5'-Phosphate Phosphatase with its substrate. It is similar to 2cfsA, with the differences being the presence of a PLP ligand and the type of metal ions (2cfsA has magnesium ions, 2cftA has calcium ions). Notice the similarities between the structure of 2cftA and 2cfsA
DALI - 1st Run
Based on the results of the first run, how similar is 2oycA to 2cfsA? With the aid of PyMOL, 2oycA was super-imposed against 2cfsA...
Comparing 2oycA against 2cfsA
1. Secondary Structure
2. Topology Diagram
Related Protein Sequences in the PDB (SAS)
Matches to existing PDB Structures
Secondary Structure Matching (SSM)

The LIGPLOT of interactions involving the PLP ligand in 2cftA. This was hypothesized to be the location of 2cftA's active site. The Mg 1296(A) ion of 2cfsA is located in the same position as the calcium ion of 2cftA. Therefore, there could be a possibility that the active site of 2cfsA could be at Mg 1296(A).
Dali - 2nd Run
The second DALI run does not affect the results as PROFUNC has already indicated 2cftA to be the most closely-related to 2cfsA.