is one of our servers. This document provides a full description of its services. If a service is moved to another server, please just move the corresponding description to its page.
Web Server
Lychee acts as a webserver to the cluster (httpd), serving the centos repository. This is configured using chkconfig.
contains a large selection of pre-compiled software for use by the group. Each package is found in /marksw/$NAME/$VERSION/
. The source code and details of how the software was built is in /marksw/$NAME/$VERSION/SOURCE
. In the bash (csh) configuration file /marksw/BASHRC
), is a simple shell function, module
, which can be used in the following ways:
module avail
module $NAME/$VERSION ...
The first use lists the possible $NAME/$VERSION
options for the second use. The second use simply adds for each $NAME/$VERSION
argument, /marksw/$NAME/$VERSION/bin
and /marksw/$NAME/$VERSION/sbin
to the beginning of the contents of the PATH environment variable; /marksw/$NAME/$VERSION/lib64
and /marksw/$NAME/$VERSION/lib
to the beginning of the contents of the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable; and /marksw/$NAME/$VERSION/man
to the beginning of the contents of the MANPATH environment variable.
The module
command is sourced in the global bash configuration file /etc/bashrc
and in the global csh configuration file /etc/csh.local
Specific developmental versions
The directories:
- /marksw/gromos.ethz.ch_repos_forcefields/
- /marksw/gromos.ethz.ch_repos_gromos++/
- /marksw/gromos.ethz.ch_repos_gromos96/
- /marksw/gromos.ethz.ch_repos_gromos_doc/
- /marksw/gromos.ethz.ch_repos_gromosXXc++/
- /marksw/gromos.ethz.ch_repos_gromosXXF77/
Contain dated subdirectories containing the various corresponding versions of source code, etc from the IGC Group at ETH. To grab the latest source code, copy one of the subdirectories and inside the copy just run svn up
The corresponding binaries for the various source codes are in:
- /marksw/gromos++ (correponding to /marksw/gromos.ethz.ch_repos_gromos++/)
- /marksw/gromosXXc++ (corresponding to /marksw/gromos.ethz.ch_repos_gromosXXc++/)
Brisbane MD Group Topologies
Topologies created by the Brisbane MD Group (and not yet make public) are found in /marksw/BrisbaneMDGroupForceFields/.
Yum Repositories
Repository Software Installed
zsh yum-utils OpenIPMI OpenIPMI-tools openbabel openbabel-devel
- Download source from [1]
- tar -xzvf RasMol_Latest.tar.gz
- cd Rasmol_2.7.4.2_23Mar08/src/
- Edit Imakefile:
- LDLIBS = -L/usr/lib64 '...'
- Make sure /usr/lib64/ exists (package xforms-devel doesn't actually create symbolic links correctly)
- ./
- Move rasmol_32BIT to /opt/bin/rasmol
- rpm -iv
- ln -s /opt/Adobe/Reader9/bin/acroread /opt/bin/acroread
- Done by Mitch/AJ
- Done by Mitch/AJ
AMD Core Math Library (ACML)
- Download from here
- Extract & run ./
- Licence? accept
- Location (/opt/acml4.2.0)? [Enter]
TwistedConch (Python SSH library)
- cd /tmp; wget
- tar -xjvf Twisted-8.2.0.tar.bz2; cd Twisted-8.2.0/
- python install
OpenBabel Python Bindings
- Download
- Extract & cd to openbabel-2.1.1/scripts/python
- Setup python interface
- python build
- python install
- To get pybel "working": edit /usr/lib64/python24/site-packages/ The diff is below:
47c47 < _descdict = _getplugins(ob.OBDescriptor.FindType, descs) --- > _descdict = { 'LogP':ob.OBLogP, 'MR':ob.OBMR, 'TPSA':ob.OBPSA } #_getplugins(ob.OBDescriptor.FindType, descs) 53c53 < _forcefields = _getplugins(ob.OBForceField.FindType, forcefields) --- > _forcefields = { 'mmff94':ob.OBForceField("mmff94") } # _getplugins(ob.OBForceField.FindType, forcefields) 56c56 < _operations = _getplugins(ob.OBOp.FindType, operations) --- > #_operations = _getplugins(ob.OBOp.FindType, operations) 334,335c334,335 < if self.dim != 3: < self.make3D(forcefield) --- > #if self.dim != 3: > # self.make3D(forcefield) 367c367 < _operations['Gen3D'].Do(self.OBMol) --- > print ' 367: Gen3D not available!' #_operations['Gen3D'].Do(self.OBMol)
FedoraDS (LDAP)
Add new user
- Find UID that has not been used: /marksw/scripts/0.1/ lists the UIDs that have been used
- Find GID that will be associated with new user: MDGroup = 500, BMMG = 540, SBeatson = 600, KobeLab = 520
- ssh lychee -X
- cd /opt/fedora-ds/
- ./startconsole -u admin -a
- -> Directory
- Directory
- md -> People -> Add User
- Fill in info (including UID and GID in the POSIX tab)
- Note: User names should be all lower case consisting of first name concatenated with the first letter of the surname
- Fill in info (including UID and GID in the POSIX tab)
- md -> People -> Add User
- Directory
- -> Directory
- sudo rsync -a /etc/skel/ /home/NEWUSERNAME/
FlexLM Licence Server
Lychee runs the license server for the PGI compilers - see /etc/init.d/lmgrd and /opt/pgi/
Maui Resource Manager
To enable Fairshare, FSPOLICY must be set
Above setting means use each fairshare interval is 24hrs, total number of 10 intervals are taken into statistics, at a decay rate of 0.8.
also the fairshare of GROUP, USER, QOS must be set.
To check current FS of the jobs queueing, use
sudo diagnose -p
Job Preemption
Preemption is the name given by maui to the ability to suspend running jobs to allow higher priority jobs to run, once the job has completed the job that has been suspended is restarted.
Preemption requires several different parameters to be set, if one is missed out preemption will not work. These are:
The PREEMPTPOLICY policy has two possible options, namely -
REQUEUE - This terminates the job and requeues the job SUSPEND - This suspends the job and restarts it once the job that causes the preemption completes
The BACKFILLPOLICY has four possible options namely -
FIRSTFIT - This causes jobs to be scheduled based upon the priorities set on the queues, this is the default BESTFIT - This will cause the priority of jobs to be changed to allow for best use of the batch system. NONE - Disable BACKFILL GREEDY -
The RESERVATIONPOLICY parameter has three possible options namely -
N.B. In order for preemption to take place maui first sends the suspend signal to the job that has to suspend, on the next iteration of the schedular will start the preemptor job. Do not be surprised to see jobs suspended in the queue yet have the preemptor jobs still waiting to run.
The preemption facilities within Maui are not as flexible as those in other batching systems such as Sun Grid Engine. Queues can be either a preemptor (i.e., a queue whose jobs can preempt others) or a preemptee (i.e., a queue whose jobs can be preempted) but not both. You can define one queue as a preemptor and several as preemptee's or several queues as preemptor's and one as a preemptee.
In order to configure premption activate the QOSWEIGHT, to do this set the variable QOSWEIGHT to a number greater than 1.
You can then use the QOSCFG parameters to define which queues are preemptors and which are preempteed
Once you have defined which queues are preemptors and which are preemptees you the use the CLASSCFG to define priorities. As with the QOSCFG options you need to turn on the CLASSCFG options by setting the CLASSWEIGHT
You then define CLASSCFG options for each QUEUE and define a priority and associate a QOSCFG with each CLASSCFG using the QDEF parameter
CLASSCFG[short] QDEF=short PRIORITY=11000 CLASSCFG[long] QDEF=long PRIORITY=10000
N.B. With priorities the higher the number, the higher the priority
You can use this command to check if a job has correct PREEMPTOR/PREEMPTEE flags
sudo checkjob <id> |grep Flag
Install SystemImager Image Server (for Imaging Workstations)
The following relates to the once-off installation of systemimager for serving images. See CentosWorkstation for information as to the actual use of systemimager for getting the images onto the image server for serving.
- yum install perl-AppConfig
- rpm -iv systemconfigurator-2.2.11-1.noarch.rpm systemimager-common-4.1.6-1.noarch.rpm systemimager-server-4.1.6-1.noarch.rpm systemimager-x86_64initrd_template-4.1.6-1.noarch.rpm systemimager-x86_64boot-standard-4.1.6-1.noarch.rpm
- mkdir -p /systemimager/{images,overrides,tarballs,torrents}
- Edit /etc/systemimager/systemimager.conf:
- DEFAULT_IMAGE_DIR = /systemimager/images
- DEFAULT_OVERRIDE_DIR = /systemimager/overrides
- AUTOINSTALL_TARBALL_DIR = /systemimager/tarballs
- AUTOINSTALL_TORRENT_DIR = /systemimager/torrents
- Edit /etc/systemimager/pxelinux.cfg/syslinux.cfg to ensure boot CD has enough memory (otherwise we get
swapper: page allocation failure. order: 0, model: 0x20
errors):- Change ramdisk_size=120000
- Make sure firewall allows incoming connections to port 873/TCP (for serving images over rsync)
- We don't use the tftp server for network booting the workstations as we don't have access to the DHCP server for the MD VLAN, rather a boot CD is created (or Grub is used). See CentosWorkstation for details.
- Turn on image server for permanent operation:
- chkconfig systemimager-server-rsyncd on
- Root's crontab on lychee states:
0 23 * * sun /marksw/scripts/0.1/backup_dir /home/
0 22 * * sat updatedb
- This runs a very basic rsync copy of /home/ to
- updatedb updates the file database used by the
Known Issues/Solving Problems
Gromacs Excessive Log Files
A cron job is run every 20 minutes as root to kill jobs that crash creating excessive log files:
0,20,40 * * * * /opt/c3-4/cexec '/usr/sbin/lsof | /bin/grep --line-buffered "md[0-9]\+.log" | /bin/awk "{if (\$7>21474836480) print \$2;}" | /usr/bin/xargs --verbose -r /bin/kill -9' >& /var/log/GromacsBigLogfileKill.log
High Load/Monitoring Network Traffic
The command /usr/sbin/iftop may be run by anyone in groups BMMG, MDGroup, SBeatson, KobeLab. This is to determine what the network traffic is doing (nfs activity can cause a high load). This was enabled by adding the following lines to /etc/sudoers:
%BMMG ALL=/usr/sbin/iftop
%MDGroup ALL=/usr/sbin/iftop
%SBeatson ALL=/usr/sbin/iftop
%KobeLab ALL=/usr/sbin/iftop
To read the network usage on the MD VLAN interface on lychee run:
sudo /usr/sbin/iftop -i eth0
To read the network usage on the cluster interface on lychee run:
sudo /usr/sbin/iftop -i eth2
Fedora-ds runs out of open file descriptors (default 1024) very quickly. The default value has been changed to 8192, allowing the system to survive longer but it still runs out after months. When this problem happens, all workstations freeze. Restarting fedora-ds will temporally fix the problem (/etc/init.d/fedora-ds restart
and wait a little while).
See here for reference.
If lychee is rebooted, NFS mounts from clients to lychee's NFS exports get stale. To fix this, you can try on the client:
mount -o remount -a
If this doesn't work the client has to be rebooted. Lychee's NFS can be restarted by /etc/init.d/nfs restart