User:Seth Olsen

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I am a staff researcher within the Condensed Matter Theory Group at The School of Physical Science and the Centre for Organic Photovoltaics & Electronics at the University of Queensland. My research involves the development and analysis of theoretical physical models of photochemistry and molecular photophysics. I am a multidisciplinary computational and theoretical scientist with a background spanning the natural sciences (physics, chemistry & biology) and additional expertise in mathematics and computer sciences. My research revolves around mechanistic descriptions of photochemistry, and particularly the use of ideas from quantum physics to explain the interaction of light with living and non-living matter.

I was granted a Ph.D. in Biophysics and Computational Biology by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2004. My advisor was Professor Todd Martínez, now Gutsgell Chair of Chemistry at Illinois. The Martínez group is part of the Physical Chemistry division of the Dept. of Chemistry at Illinois.